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Welcome to the SoundsLikeThis music matcher. This tool recommends musical pieces based on your input “seed” song by matching recommended songs based on musical features such as valence, arousal, key, and tempo. We use the Spotify API Music Information Retrieval (MIR) features to achieve this matching.

The goal of this tool is to allow researchers studying music and music-evoked mental processes (like emotion or memory), by identifying experimentally-controlled stimuli that are personalized to each individual. For examples of research that has used this tool, please see our
Publications section. This tool can also be used by music lovers who are not researchers to find new music that sounds similar to your favorite songs.

For more detailed instructions on how to use this tool, please see the
About page.
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A music-matching tool for researchers and music lovers
Created by Sarah Hennessy from the USC Brain and Music Lab
2024 ・ Los Angeles, CA ・ Last updated: 02/05/2025
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